Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Fansite Calendar - 2017 Preview - Sung Kyu (Infinite)

Sharing the Calendar / Season's Greetings from Fansites. I got two different sets from two different fansites. Calendar Supports can be very expensive, really because it has a lot of inclusions (mostly).

So there's the calendar, some stickers, photocards, and postcards among others. 


See, the photos from the Calendar is really nice! You get a full pager, then a quarter of your bias' photo.  Sung Gyu's Birthday also has this cute icon of him =) Other important and related (Infinite anniversary, Member Birthdays are marked as well.

The other one I got with the calendar is a diary. Its included so it became a bit more costly than the others, and well It was beautiful, and of good quality so I am not complaining. The Fansite also threw in a lot of free stickers with the support so I'm pretty much happy about it. =) 

Sample Stickers you can use for the diary to mark important dates are here, mostly it coincides with the type of concept the support has. :D 

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