My First ever (solo) KPOP Concert experience is with B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect). The moment it was announced, me and my Baby (BAP Fandom name) friends immediately decided we are going to watch it.
Ticketing was a breeze. We waited for the ticket open sale at around 10AM and got a queue number. It was good queue number because we got into the first 150 tickets. We paid for using credit cards and received our confirmation from emails. The ticketing site used is Ticketmelon.

The day came and we were so ready for BAP! It was an early morning flight from the Philippines to Thailand. Armed with excitement and our love for our biases, we boarded the plane and arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Getting to the main city was quick too, we got tokens for the Airport Train to Bangkok City Center and went to find our hotel, which is not difficult to find too.
Being a KPOP fan, I had an idea about GOT7 being popular here too, so I when we went to the convenient store to get some drinks, I just had to check out the Est Cola they were endorsing. Luckily there's JinYoung cover!!! My friend also bought JB's because Jb is her bias in GOT7.
I bought just one and had this as my drink as we scour the area for our late lunch (our first meal in Bangkok). We also went to Terminal 21 in the afternoon for some stroll at the mall. Here is the link to that
blog post.
Fast forward to the day of the CONCERT!!!! We went to GMM Live house early. We even got lost because we went to a different side of the building (mall). I think we were there at 11am, and a lot of babyz were already waiting for the GMM Live house to open!!! Wah, so exciting! Everyone is so early.

For this concert, We won the hi touch perks. My friend's ticket got a photo op but she had it exchanged with another babyz in the venue for a Hi touch. Hours before the concert, a lot of babyz were giving out freebies like photocards, and banners. There were Dae Hyun Banners too because the Concert date in Bangkok is just a week before Dae's birthday. =)
The concert started on time, the line was a bit disorderly though because there was not much space around the auditorium where we were told to form a line; but we managed. They were so meticulous in checking the bags, so all camera's were asked to be deposited to a counter.
The Concert became a bit emotional during ment when Young Jae was close to tears himself. He was just so thankful for their fans for waiting for them. It was 6 months of no comeback, and shows whatsoever. it felt years! I am so glad we went to BKK Limited. Him Chan even came down and walked in our aisle, I touched him!!! Omy God! it was the best experience ever!
After the concert, all those who got the Hi Touch were asked to wait where you are... and we lined up for the Hi touch! First was Junhong or Zelo, followed by Yong Guk, Dae Hyun, Young Jae, Him Chan and last on the line is Jong Up!
They were smiling so wonderfully, so sweet and welcoming you can feel how much they love you, it doesnt show on their faces nor actions that they just finished performing for abour 2 and a half hours. If they were really tired, there was no hint of it in their faces as they all greeted me, and looked in my eye with so much joy and love.
I remember I was surprised with how Dae Hyun looked up close. He was so handsome, He smiled beautifully, and greeted me. I shouted his name! I shouted Young Jae's name too and told them they sing well. Zelo was the first one, I remember telling him that he should always take care of his health. He bowed his head to me! He's so tall!

Him Chan... oh, After Young Jae, it was Him Chan. I remember looking into his eyes, I see his smile, his tiny dimples and wow this guy is glowing! He is so handsome all the photos of him do not do him justice. He is beyond perfect. I hi-fived him with my right hand, told him I love him so much... shook it a bit and then I just went for it and raised my left hand. I sure held his hands a few seconds more squeezed it while looking at him in the eye telling him I love him. I had lost it, I had nothing to say except I love him! He just let me do it... still smiling! It happened so fast but it was the best moment of my life! A dream come true, holding their hands, seeing them up close, telling them how much I love and appreciate them...
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